Weber Grill – Grill Academy Booking E-Shop

Weber Stephen Grills
Development of an online booking platform for barbecueing courses provided by Weber Stephen company throughout the DACH countries. The platform is the central point of sale for the grill courses representing an essential part of Weber Stephen's brand positioning as not only being a manufacturer of grills but a provider of a unique premium barbecueing experience ("Weber for life!").
Conception, development and maintenance of an eCommerce platform based on Magento shop software. Highly customized Magento architecture which meets the specific business requirements of Weber Stephen's Grill Academy: booking of courses for end consumers and retailers, complete course and academy management by the shop's backoffice software.
Continuous feature enhancements.<br>
Shop platform has become the central destination for all marketing measures related to Weber Grill Academy.<br>
High brand visibility in the web.<br>
Constantly increasing visit- and conversion rates.